Human psychology in the cities

These are the peer review reports of the paper and a profile of one reviewer in Web of Science? Do you see any mistakes, issues, or “red flags”?

Reviewer Report 2021/07/12
The article “Human Psychology in the Cities” can be published after minor changes.
Firstly, in the Introduction section at least 5 sources should be cited. Correct it.
Secondly, I recommend adding a conclusion to the abstract.
Thirdly, there is a wrong citation of sources throughout the text. Correct it.
Fourthly, most of the references are too old. Refresh them.
Fifthly, I also recommend improving the conclusions. They do not sufficiently summarize the results of the study.
Reviewed by Leon Holmes,

Reviewer Report 2021/07/12
This article highlights a relevant topic, because the authors consider the concept of a city as an organized and complex system, the main inhabitant of which is a human being. The main object of study in the article is the psychological state of a person in an urban environment. The authors investigated the concepts of interest, excitement, boredom, stress, their impact on physical health. The problem of interaction of the real world with virtual technologies – their confrontation and mutual help in an urban context was considered. Also, the authors think that the use of modern digital technologies can provide substantial support to pilot projects. I саn recommend this paper for publication because it is an original and relevant investigation. However, there are still some interpretations that need to be clarified:
1. The keywords should be re-considered and changed. Please exclude 2 of them that are placed in the title.
2. Sections 2 (CURIOSITY) and 3 (BOREDOM) should be re-phrased.
3. The authors should be added the sources to the figures.
Reviewed by Elena Overman,
Profile of Leon Holmes in Web of Science

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