Comment from Pubpeer:
#1 Randia boliviana comment accepted October 2022
The email domain names of the first five out of seven co-authors are strange:, and, all for authors affilated with institutions based in Kazakhstan or Russia.
These email domain names have been indentified as belonging to the publication agent, possibly paper mill. See Dr. Abalkina's overview document at
#2 Randia boliviana comment accepted October 2022
There is a repeated panel in Figures 2 and 3 for specimens that are described differently (blue box highlights added). Also, the notion of "boiling" at 70 ºC seems problematic; it is, in any case, not consistent with the more plausible 100 ºC boiling process described earlier in the article.
The paper has not been retracted.

Photograph: Lee Scott / Unsplash
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